13 Car Trouble Excuses People Give to Miss Work

car trouble excuses to miss work

We’ve all been there—waking up with car trouble on the day you’re supposed to go to work. While vehicles are not uncommon to break down unexpectedly, some individuals might be tempted to use car issues as an excuse to miss work. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore 13 common car trouble excuses people give and why it’s crucial to prioritize honesty and responsibility in the workplace.

1. Flat Tire

A sudden flat tire is a common problem nearly every driver has faced at least once. The cause can range from sharp objects on the road to wear and tear or bad luck. 

When used as an excuse for missing work, the sudden flat tire tends to be rather convincing due to its unpredictability and the hassle involved in fixing it, particularly during rush hours.

Nevertheless, remember that while this excuse might seem tempting, honesty should always be your first approach. 

If you find yourself resorting to this excuse frequently, it may be worth considering why you’re feeling the need to avoid work and address those issues directly. 

Maintaining trust and open communication with your employer is essential for a healthy workplace environment. 

Remember, a pattern of frequent absences, even with seemingly legitimate reasons, could raise red flags with your employer.

2. Dead Battery

Claiming your car’s battery died can make for a plausible excuse. Car batteries can fail for various reasons, including leaving the car lights on overnight, extreme weather conditions, or simply because the battery is old and requires replacement.

However, while using a dead battery as an excuse may sound convincing, it still calls for responsibility and honesty. It’s important to maintain your vehicle regularly to prevent such situations. 

Regular maintenance includes checking your car battery’s health and replacing it when necessary. This ensures your car’s longevity and reduces the chances of unexpected breakdowns that could disrupt your work schedule.

As with any excuse, the key is to be genuine and honest. While car troubles are understandable, they can become suspicious if they occur too frequently. 

Therefore, maintain your vehicle properly and, more importantly, maintain an open and honest relationship with your employer. It will go a long way in building trust and understanding in the workplace.

3. Engine Trouble

Citing engine trouble as an excuse for absence or tardiness at work might seem believable to your employer. 

After all, cars are intricate machines and engine problems can arise unexpectedly, hindering your ability to commute to work.

However, like any other excuse, the effectiveness of citing engine trouble hinges on its rarity. If your car frequently appears to have engine trouble, it could lead to skepticism. It’s essential to remember here that maintaining honesty and integrity should be your priority.

Prevention is better than cure; this adage applies aptly to vehicle maintenance. Regular checks and maintenance of your car engine can avert unexpected breakdowns. 

Routine inspections by a reliable mechanic can help identify potential issues before they escalate into significant problems, disrupting your work schedule.

Tuning, oil changes, and routine check-ups are all part of a car’s essential maintenance. Ignoring these could lead to serious engine malfunctions over time. 

By ensuring your car is in good working order, you not only reduce the chances of resorting to such an excuse but also demonstrate responsibility, which is a trait valued in any workplace.

4. Accident or Collision

Using an accident or collision as a reason for being late or absent is quite acceptable in the workplace. It’s something that can happen unexpectedly and affect anyone, regardless of how careful they may be.

Car accidents, even minor ones, can be traumatic experiences. It can cause significant stress, both physically and emotionally. 

That’s why employers generally understand when their employees are involved in such incidents.

However, as with any other excuse, it’s vital that you don’t exploit this reason. A high frequency of accidents could lead to suspicion, questioning the authenticity of your excuses and potentially your driving habits. 

It could lead your employer to question your responsibility and integrity, which are essential traits in any professional setting.

If you’ve been in a minor accident, it’s important to communicate honestly with your employer. Explain the situation, provide any necessary documentation, and tell them when you can return to work. 

This open communication can show your integrity and help maintain trust between you and your employer.

5. Fuel or Gas Issues

Running out of gas or confronting fuel-related issues can sometimes be a legitimate reason for tardiness. 

Such situations can arise unexpectedly, even to the most diligent of us, especially if there are issues with the car’s fuel gauge or if you’ve been caught in an unusually long traffic jam.

However, it’s essential to remember that frequent fuel or gas issues can be perceived negatively. 

Regular occurrences may give your employer the impression of a lack of foresight or poor planning on your part. 

It’s always best to check your fuel levels before starting your journey, particularly if you have a long commute or have no convenient gas stations.

If you frequently run out of gas, it might be time to consider creating a routine to ensure your tank is adequately filled. 

This might involve refueling your car the night before work or ensuring your tank is at least half full. This kind of planning demonstrates responsibility and foresight, traits highly appreciated professionally.

In the unfortunate event of running out of gas, it’s crucial to communicate this with your employer as soon as possible. 

This transparency can help maintain trust and show that you’re actively trying to remedy the situation.

6. Car Won’t Start

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, your car won’t start, leading to unexpected delays. This situation can be frustrating, especially during a working day.

Just as with any other tardiness reason, specificity can be vital. Merely stating that your car wouldn’t start might be perceived as vague or insincere, particularly if it happens repeatedly. 

When feasible, provide a concrete reason. For instance, explain that the battery died, the engine malfunctioned, or you had a flat tire.

While it’s understandable that mechanical issues can occur without warning, prevention is often better than cure. Regular servicing and maintaining your vehicle can help avoid such predicaments, reflecting your proactive approach and demonstrating your responsibility.

In such unfortunate circumstances, as always, make sure to communicate the situation to your employer promptly and honestly. 

This open communication reflects your accountability and can help preserve the trust between you and your employer. 

Also, show your initiative by taking immediate steps to rectify the situation, such as calling for roadside assistance or arranging alternative transportation.

7. Car in the Shop for Repairs

There may be instances where your vehicle is in the repair shop, rendering you unable to get to work on time. 

This is a legitimate reason for tardiness, but how you handle the situation can significantly affect how it’s perceived professionally.

Firstly, honesty is paramount. If your car genuinely needs repairs, express this truthfully to your employer. 

Avoid embellishing the story or invoking unnecessary drama; stick to the facts. For example, you could state, “My car is in the shop for repairs, and I won’t be able to make it to work on time.”

Secondly, it’s essential to provide timely updates. As soon as you realize your car will be in the shop and could affect your punctuality, inform your employer. 

This early notification can give them enough time to adjust schedules or make necessary arrangements.

Finally, demonstrate your commitment and accountability by looking into alternative transportation options. 

Whether it’s public transit, rideshares, or borrowing a car from a friend or family member, trying to get to work despite the circumstances shows your dedication and reliability.

Again, maintaining open communication and showing proactive initiative are key. These actions will reflect positively on your professionalism and can help maintain the trust you’ve built with your employer.

8. Transmission Issues 

It is not unheard of for employees to experience issues with their car’s transmission, which can legitimately prevent timely arrival at work. 

The transmission, being one of the most intricate components of the car, can cause significant problems when it malfunctions.

The first course of action, as always, is honesty. If your car is experiencing transmission problems, it’s important to convey this to your employer as accurately as possible. 

A simple explanation, such as, “I’m having issues with my car’s transmission and need to get it checked,” should suffice.

Timeliness in communication remains crucial. Inform your employer about the situation as soon as you become aware. The extra time allows them to make necessary adjustments to the work schedule. 

While it’s true that transmission problems can occur unexpectedly, continuous vehicle maintenance is the best preventive measure. 

Regular check-ups from a professional mechanic can uncover potential issues before they become major problems. 

In the meantime, consider alternative transportation options. As stated before, your initiative in getting to work demonstrates your dedication and accountability regardless of the circumstances. 

Remember, the key to handling this situation professionally lies in open communication, proactive initiative, and regularly scheduled car maintenance. 

These actions will enhance your professional image and help sustain your trust in your employer.

9. Overheating Issues

It’s possible that your vehicle may have overheating problems, another common car trouble that could affect your punctuality at work. 

Like transmission issues, overheating can be a legitimate hindrance and should be handled transparently and promptly. 

When your car begins overheating, it’s crucial to notify your employer immediately with a clear explanation. 

A simple statement, “My car is overheating, and I need to address this issue to prevent further damage,” is sufficient. 

As we’ve reiterated throughout, timing is vital. Informing your employer about the issue as soon as you recognize it allows them to rectify the work schedule accordingly.

While overheating can sometimes occur without warning, most instances are avoidable with proper vehicle maintenance. 

Regular servicing, including coolant level checks and radiator inspections, can detect potential overheating causes, such as low coolant levels or radiator leaks, before they escalate into significant issues. 

In the interim, exploring alternative means of transportation underscores your commitment and responsibility. 

Your employer will likely appreciate your initiative and effort to get to work despite vehicle troubles.

10. Ignition Problems

Occasionally, you might encounter issues with your car’s ignition system. This can be an especially frustrating situation when you’re trying to start your commute, and your car refuses to start. As always, transparency, initiative, and communication are crucial.

If you discover an ignition problem, such as the car not starting or the ignition switch not turning, it’s important to inform your employer promptly and clearly. 

A candid statement like, “I am currently experiencing ignition problems with my car and will need to address this promptly” would be appropriate.

Just like the other car problems we’ve discussed, most ignition issues can be avoided by regular servicing. Ignition problems often stem from worn-out components, which can be identified and replaced during routine maintenance checks. 

Getting your ignition system checked at least once a year or every 12,000 miles is recommended, whichever comes first.

Avoid getting caught off-guard by ignition problems by keeping up with your car’s maintenance schedule. 

However, should you encounter such an issue, consider alternate modes of transportation to demonstrate your responsibility and dedication to the job. Your employer will surely appreciate your initiative in such trying circumstances.

11. Alternator Failure

The alternator is a fundamental component of your vehicle’s electrical system. It works to charge the battery while the car is running and powers all of its electrical systems. 

If your car’s alternator fails, it could lead to significant electrical problems that may prevent your vehicle from operating efficiently or even starting.

The telltale signs of a failing alternator might include dimming lights, problems with electrical systems, a dead battery, or a warning light on your dashboard. If you notice any of these signs, it’s crucial to heed them and seek professional help immediately.

Consider preventative measures, such as regular maintenance, to reduce the risk of alternator failure. 

This includes ensuring that the alternator’s belt is in good condition, properly tensioned, and keeping the battery clean and corrosion-free.

In case of an alternator failure, it’s important to communicate the situation to your employer promptly and clearly. 

You could say something like, “I am dealing with an alternator failure in my car, and it may affect my commute.”

Like any car issue, alternator failures can be managed with preventive care, swift action when a problem arises, and open, clear communication with your employer.

12. Brake Problems

Brake problems are severe safety concerns that require immediate attention. The braking system is vital for the safe operation of your vehicle, and any failure or malfunction can jeopardize your safety and those around you.

A variety of symptoms typically characterizes faulty brakes. These can range from a spongy or soft brake pedal, a grinding noise while braking, the car pulling to one side while braking, or a burning smell near the tires. 

If any of these signs are noticed, it is crucial to seek professional help immediately and refrain from driving the vehicle until the issue is resolved.

Using brake problems as an excuse for being late to work is not something to overuse or take lightly. 

It’s a serious issue that demands prompt action and resolution. Therefore, if you have to communicate about a brake issue to your employer, ensure you do so with the seriousness it deserves.

For example, you might say, “I’m dealing with a critical brake issue in my car. I can’t drive until it’s fixed for safety reasons, which may affect my commute.”

Remember, regular maintenance and inspections can go a long way in preventing brake problems. 

These preventive measures ensure your safety and demonstrate your responsibility and commitment to your work.

13. Suspension Issues

Suspension problems in a vehicle can significantly impact its driveability and safety. A car’s suspension system ensures smooth driving conditions and helps maintain control of the vehicle. 

If there’s a fault in your car’s suspension, you might experience symptoms like the car pulling to one side, uneven tire treads, a rough ride over bumps, or even drifting or pulling during turns.

When such signs are noticed, seeking professional assistance is essential. A faulty suspension system can compromise the control of your vehicle, making it unsafe to drive. 

Consequently, it might cause delays in your commute, which you’ll need to communicate to your employer. 

For instance, you can say, “I’ve detected a possible suspension issue with my car that needs immediate attention. This might impact my commute until it’s resolved.”

However, regular preventive maintenance is the best way to avoid these inconvenient disruptions. 

Regular inspections and timely replacements of suspension components like shock absorbers, struts, and springs can drastically reduce the chances of suspension failure. 

This preventative approach ensures your vehicle’s optimal performance and demonstrates your commitment to maintaining a consistent work schedule.

Car Trouble Excuses You Should Never Use!

While it may be tempting to use car trouble as an excuse to miss work, certain pretexts should be absolutely avoided. 

Not only are these excuses dishonest, but they can also severely damage your professional reputation and job security. 

Let’s delve into some car trouble excuses you should never deploy:

  1. Fake accidents: Asserting that you were involved in a severe car accident with injuries is dishonest and can trigger unnecessary worry and panic amongst your coworkers and superiors.
  2. Fictitious breakdowns: Fabricating intricate stories about your car breaking down in remote, dangerous, or improbable locations can invoke doubts about the veracity of your excuse.
  3. Inconsistent excuses: If you frequently give varying car-related reasons for being absent, you may come across as unreliable, which can erode trust.
  4. Blaming others: Assigning blame to others, such as stating a friend or family member caused your car trouble, may reflect negatively on your sense of responsibility.
  5. Exaggerated issues: Overstating the seriousness of car issues, such as saying your car erupted in flames or disintegrated, can create skepticism and harm your credibility.
  6. Long recovery periods: Declaring that your car will be in the repair shop for an excessively long period may cause your excuse to be perceived as less credible.
  7. Unusual car trouble excuses: Resorting to strange or absurd reasons, like aliens tinkering with your car or time travel, can make you seem unprofessional, possibly leading to negative repercussions.
  8. Reckless behavior excuses: Blaming irresponsible behaviors, such as street racing or driving under the influence, can not only tarnish your reputation but may also have legal ramifications.
  9. Multiple car issues in a short period: Regular claims of various car issues within a short timeframe might lead your employer to question the reliability of your transportation.
  10. Inconsistent with circumstances: If your job does not usually require a car or commuting, using car trouble as an excuse may look suspicious and invite scrutiny.

It’s crucial to remember that honesty and integrity are key in the workplace. Suppose you’re facing genuine car trouble or any other situation hindering your ability to work. 

In that case, it’s best to communicate the issue honestly with your employer and collaborate on finding a feasible solution. 

Misusing car trouble excuses can damage your professional reputation and endanger your job security in the long term.


While these car trouble excuses may seem tempting when you need a day off work, it’s essential to remember that honesty and responsibility should always take precedence. 

Frequent use of these excuses can damage your credibility with your employer, so it’s better to communicate any genuine issues openly and work together to find solutions. 

In the long run, maintaining your vehicle and being truthful with your boss will build trust and ensure a healthier work environment.


J.J is a key member of the TranspoTrends.com team and our resident automotive enthusiast. With a deep passion for cars and transportation in general, J.J brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our website.

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